Why Choose Divorce Mediation?

Will Divorce Mediation Make Your Divorce Process Smoother Than Divorce Litigation?

  • When there is a lot of controversy surrounding matters of a divorce, it’s considered a “Contested Divorce”. A couple may contest on spousal support, property allotment, child custody, etc. Highly contested divorces may call for litigation. An “Uncontested Divorce”, although rare, is the opposite. An Uncontested Divorce isn’t controversial. In an Uncontested Divorce, parties contest over little to no matters regarding their divorce. They’re mostly in agreement with what one another expect from their separation. However, they require guidance in bringing their divorce to fruition. There’s usually a few matters of divorce that a couple disagrees on. Couples in a somewhat Contested Divorce can benefit from Divorce Mediation as well.
  • Since you are not forced to work around a court’s timetable and can schedule your own sessions, Divorce Mediation is a faster alternative to drawn-out Divorce Litigation.
  • Divorce Mediation is also much more affordable than divorce litigation. As opposed to two parties who require legal assistance, both parties are working together to resolve their divorce. This can make a drastic difference in both costs and time spent on the divorce process. On average, Divorce Mediation is 40%-60% less costly than Divorce Litigation.
  • In a litigated divorce, private matters become public in a courtroom setting. Divorce Mediation is much more confidential and behind closed doors.
  • Children put through custody battles can experience emotional trauma. When couples can come to an agreement regarding child custody, Divorce Mediation is a better alternative. Children don’t have to be directly involved in the divorce process.]
  • We encourage clients to come up with their own scheduled appointments at Nassau County Divorce Mediation Service. We afford our clients the time they need to understand how their divorce-related choices will impact their future.
  • Our mediators act as neutral 3rd parties who help facilitate communication between two parties of divorce. When communication is facilitated, obstacles of divorce can be more easily resolved.
  • At Nassau County Divorce Mediation Service, sessions are held in a conference room or an office. Sessions may involve both parties, be handled separately, or be a combination of both.
  • Our Divorce Mediators can suggest creative and unique agreements that tailor to both party’s needs and desires.
Uncontested Divorce

Contact Nassau County Divorce Mediation Service